Florence Kelley (Authored by or about)

Book/Book excerpt

Year Title
1986 Notes of Sixty Years: the Autobiography of Florence Kelley (with notes by Kathryn Kish Sklar)
1889 Our Toiling Children
1905 Some Ethical Gains Through Legislation


Year Title
1899 Alice Hamilton to Florence Kelley, May 31, 1899
1893 Allied Wood Workers' Trades' Council of Chicago, Jan. 23, 1893
1892 Butler, Stillman & Hubbard to Florence Kelley, July 1, 1892
Calling Card for Mrs. Lazare Wischnewetzky
1905 Ellen Gates Starr to Florence Kelley, Sept. 30, 1905
1885 Florence Kelley to Mary Thorn Lewis, June 10, 1885
1902 Florence Kelley to Nicholas Kelley, April 16, 1902
1902 Florence Kelley to Nicholas Kelley, Aug. 21, 1902
1902 Florence Kelley to Nicholas Kelley, Aug. 3, 1902
1902 Florence Kelley to Nicholas Kelley, Dec. 1, 1902
1902 Florence Kelley to Nicholas Kelley, July 3, 1902
1902 Florence Kelley to Nicholas Kelley, June 13, 1902
1902 Florence Kelley to Nicholas Kelley, June 29, 1902
1894 Henry Demarest Lloyd to Florence Kelley, Aug. 15, 1894
1899 Henry Demarest Lloyd to Florence Kelley, Oct. 18, 1899
1905 Henry Demarest Lloyd to Florence Kelley, Sept. 29, 1905
1899 Ida Foster Cronk to Florence Kelley, Nov. 19, 1899
1899 Ida Foster Cronk to Florence Kelley, Sept. 25, 1899
1899 Jane Addams to Florence Kelley, Nov. 22, 1899
1899 Jane Addams to Florence Kelley, Sept. 13, 1899
1899 Jane Lloyd-Jones to Florence Kelley, Jan. 13, 1899
1915 John Bartram Kelley to Florence Kelley, Dec. 15, 1915
1932 John Bartram Kelley to Florence Kelley, Jan. 29, 1932
1901 John Bartram Kelley to Florence Kelley, Jan. 6, 1901
1901 John Bartram Kelley to Florence Kelley, Mar. 28, 1901
1899 John Bartram Kelley to Florence Kelley, Nov. 30, 1899
John Bartram Kelley to Florence Kelley, undated
John Bartram Kelley to Florence Kelley, undated
1899 John Bartram Kelley to Florence Kelly, Sep. 29, 1899
John Kelley to Margaret Kelley, n.d.
1892 John Notman to Florence Kelley, Nov. 23, 1892
1905 Maud Nathan to Florence Kelley, Sept. 29, 1905
1899 Theodore Roosevelt to Florence Kelley, June 2, 1899
William Harper to Florence Kelley, July 31, 1899

Court document

Year Title
1909 Kelley v. Wischnewetzky: Certificate of Evidence


Year Title
1882 On Some Changes in the Legal Status of the Child Since Blackstone

Newspaper article

Year Title
1884 Judge Kelley’s Daughter Married
1885 A Divorce Asked For (NYT)

Periodical article

Year Title
1899 Aims and Principles of the Consumers' League
1903 An Effective Child-Labor Law: A Program for the Current Decade
1902 Child Labor Legislation
1905 Child Labor Legislation and Enforcement in New England and the Middle States
1915 Discussion: Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York
1906 Equal Suffrage Movement
1904 Has Illinois the Best Laws in the Country for the Protection of Children?
1922 Industrial Conditions as a Community Problem with Particular Reference to Child Labor
1929 Labor Legislation for Women and Its Effects on Earnings and Conditions of Labor
1912 Labor of Women and Children in Tenements
1923 Laborers in Heat and in Heavy Industries
1910 Married Women in Industry
1911 Minimum-Wage Boards
1912 Minimum-Wage Laws
1910 New England’s Lost Leadership
1907 Obstacles to the Enforcement of Child Labor Legislation
1911 Our Lack of Statistics
1907 Reports from State and Local Child Labor Committees and Consumers' League
1909 Scholarships for Working Children
1911 Street Trades
1901 The Consumers' League
1909 The Federal Children’s Bureau: A Symposium
1906 The Federal Government and the Working Children
1898 The Illinois Child-Labor Law
1909 The Invasion of Family Life by Industry
1915 The La Follette Law from the Consumers' Point of View
1908 The Responsibility of the Consumer
1898 The United States Supreme Court and the Utah Eight-Hours' Law
1896 The Working Boy
1911 What Should We Sacrifice for Uniformity?
1914 Women and Social Legislation in the United States