
Date Description
1859 Born to William Darrah Kelley and Caroline Bartram (Bonsall) Kelley in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1882 Graduates from Cornell University
1883 Leaves for a tour of Europe in 1883 and enrolls in the University of Zurich
1883 Begins her study of law and government at the University of Zurich
1884 Marries medical student Lazare Wischnewetzky
1885 Son Nicholas is born
1886 Concludes her study of law and government at the University of Zurich
1886 Daughter Margaret is born
1886 She, Lazare and Nicolas Wischnewetzky move to New York City
1888 Son John Bartram is born
1891 Leaves New York and husband Lazare Wischnewetzky, coming to Chicago with her three children
1891 Begins her work at Hull House
1891 Boards her children with Henry Demarest Lloyd in Winnetka while she is working
1892 Is appointed as a Special Agent of the Illinois State Bureau of Labor Statistics to fill out schedules. She is paid by the schedule
1892 Hired by the Illinois Department of Labor
1893 The Illinois General Assembly appoints Joint Special Commissions, Senate and House, to investigate sweatshops; Florence Kelley and Mary Kenney are appointed as Investigators
1893 Is appointed factory inspector, a four year term with an annual budget of $12,000; Assistant inspector Alzina Stevens is paid $1,500
1893 Enters the Northwestern University School of Law
1894 Receives her degree from Northwestern Law; shortly after, she passes the bar (NOTE: date of graduation is disputed)
1895 Completes her legal education at Northwestern (NOTE: date of graduation is disputed)
1899 Helps to establish the National Consumer League (NCL)
1899 Starts her terms as director of the National Consumer League. The organization’s aim is to achieve a minimum wage and limit the number of hours per workday for women and children.
1905 She, Upton Sinclair and Jack London establish the Intercollegiate Socialist Society
1909 Helps to found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
1913 Begins her term as president of the Intercollegiate Socialist Society
1920 Ends her term as president of the Intercollegiate Socialist Society
1932 Ends her term as director of the National Consumer League
1932 Dies on February 17